
Let's fight together! Help save lives.

Many lives are effected by breast cancer. The fight against breast cancer should not only be up to the victims but it should be a fight for all humanity - female or male, it doesn't matter.
We all have to fight as hard as we can, whether we be back up/support or whether we, ourselves have the cancer.

Support the pink!

For daily posts with facts, poems and inspirational quotes about breast cancer Follow 'T
he Journey To Within Yourself'
and comment the latest post saying you were refferred by me (unless you already follow or you weren't refferred by me).

I hope you raise millions!


  1. E_M_Y,
    You have been tagged, the details are on my blog.

  2. Yay! You won an award! Come check it out at http://the1000000project.blogspot.com/ :D
